Going Beyond Nurseline: How always-on digital triage navigates members to the right care at the right time

In our previous blog, we examined the challenges and problems of legacy Nurseline services, most notably, their ineffectiveness in providing a member with the right care at the right time. The current care-access system is broken. As a result, members frequently have a poor and frustrating experience, which is usually negatively attributed to their health plan. In today’s blog, we’re discussing the transformative potential of Digital Triage, a cutting-edge (high tech + high touch) solution that is revolutionizing Nurseline services and streamlining risk by providing personalized, connected care. 

At its core, Pager’s Find Care solution is a member-centric approach that leverages always-on Digital Triage to meet members exactly where they are and guide them to a solution that meets their care needs. This real-time accessibility not only streamlines care delivery, it also brings about an unprecedented level of convenience for members. Every member is unique, and their healthcare should reflect that individuality. As a proactive, connected care model, the Digital Triage and Navigation solution embraces this philosophy by tailoring its guidance to the specific needs of each member. The result? A healthcare journey that's not only efficient but deeply meaningful—a journey that addresses concerns before they escalate and empowers individuals to take charge of their health.

The numbers demonstrate the impact of the Find Care solution. A remarkable 66% of cases are handled virtually, showcasing how the solution dramatically reduces  unnecessary ER and urgent care visits. The cost savings are equally impressive: a certified $210 saved per clinical encounter. This isn't just about trimming expenses; it's about optimizing resources to ensure that health plans provide timely access to care and are built for sustainable growth. 

But the value story doesn't end there. A Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 88 is a testament to the extraordinary member satisfaction achieved through end-to-end resolution. Members aren't just receiving automated guidance; they're receiving compassionate care that resonates with their individual needs. The solution is more than just a tool; it's a companion that walks the healthcare journey alongside each member with all attribution to the member’s health plan (CAHPS impact).

For health plans, the value proposition is equally compelling. Imagine a solution that not only enhances member engagement but also promotes their brand through white-labeled, integrated care navigation. And this navigation process combines the speed and convenience of AI symptom-checking technology with the trustworthy and personal clinical guidance that only nurse-led human engagement can provide. 

In conclusion, Digital Triage and Navigation isn't just a technical innovation; it's a powerful partnership of technology and compassionate care. By offering always-on digital triage, guiding the member to the most appropriate care setting, and achieving a remarkable 66% virtual care resolution rate resulting in $210 savings per clinical encounter, this solution delivers high value to both health plans and members. It redefines healthcare as we know it with risk-reducing, proactive engagement—a journey where efficiency and compassion are completely in sync.


Closing Healthcare’s Greatest Gap | Part 4: The 5 Essentials of a Single Healthcare Continuum


What's Next for Well-Being | Part 2: Integrating Well-Being into the Healthcare System