Three Paths to the Triple Aim: How Smart Technology Can Lead the Way for Health Plans

Care. Health. Cost. Three simple words. Three monumental challenges.

The Triple Aim is the holy grail for all healthcare pursuits. But given the healthcare system's highly complex and interrelated structure, achieving the Triple Aim requires an integrated effort involving all relevant parties, from hospitals and providers to the public health sector. That collaboration must also include health plans, who have a vested interest in aligning services to help achieve all three of the Triple Aims—especially as provider payments are increasingly linked to the value and effectiveness of the services that health plans cover. Below are three ways health plans can align with and advance the objectives of the Triple Aim by leaning into supportive technologies that allow them to engage differently with the members they serve.

PATH 1 | Improve the Experience of Care 

Healthcare is already a confusing experience for consumers, who must navigate through a maze of medical specialists, provider networks, cost options and coverage questions as they seek to find help for, in many cases, multiple health issues. It's no wonder that more than 2/3 of consumers say every step of the healthcare process is a chore. That confusion is only increasing as more and more specialized medical services and technologies become available to consumers through their health plans. Access to more services, choices and information may be a positive, but it can often overwhelm consumers, causing them to not act. In fact, half of consumers today say they have avoided seeking care altogether because so much work is involved in navigating the healthcare system.

Consumers don't need more information. They need clarity. It's not about more choices but better guidance. Health plans should strive for a one-source, seamless experience that is less confusing for consumers and positions the plan as an active and helpful resource that cares about its members.  

Obviously, health plans must embrace the right technologies to facilitate this new approach to member engagement. Digital solutions are a powerful tool that can engage members and break down the traditional silos in healthcare by delivering convenient, immediate care and attention in one platform. These solutions can help members navigate their healthcare journey, connecting them to the right care, in the right place, at the right time.

PATH 2 | Improve the Health of Populations

Population health identifies and addresses health issues specific to certain communities, demographics and medical cohorts. The goal is to prevent illness before it happens and/or to mitigate its effects. Health plans should take proactive steps to ensure members seek regular preventative care. Again, technology can play a critical role here, as can embracing value-based models for care.

Health plans can leverage technology to make access to care convenient, closing gaps in care. To create targeted messaging, the plan can use data analytics and sophisticated models to segment populations by risk factors, likely behaviors, and other characteristics. Finally, health plans should invest in technology that supports Social Determinants of Health (SDoH), including the ability to connect members with local resources.

PATH 3 | Reduce Per Capita Costs and Utilization Rates 

Six in 10 American adults have a chronic disease, and four in 10 have two or more. Using the right technology, a health plan can help facilitate preventative care that reduces the likelihood of developing a chronic condition and take part in screenings that can detect diseases at an earlier stage when treatment is more effective. The potential cost savings are enormous.

Even when chronic diseases can't be avoided, identifying members earlier in their disease process and/or improving the support available for members managing chronic conditions can dramatically impact a health plan's bottom line. Chronic disease can be paralyzing for members and their families, especially when someone is managing multiple conditions. Coming alongside these members to help them take steps that reduce the burden of their disease and decrease unnecessary trips to the ER or hospital makes a big difference in overall costs and that member's quality of life.

Supporting the Triple Aim with Technology 

Technology is not a silver bullet but a positive force for fueling the Triple Aim. For our clients, our solutions drive engagement, improve outcomes, reduce the cost of care, and boost member satisfaction. Through an end-to-end connected care experience, members can seamlessly navigate the complex healthcare system.

Want to learn more about how your health plan can positively contribute to the Triple Aim across your population? Contact us today for a personal consultation.


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