Why ReallyWell℠ is really different | Part 2
Take a closer look at three of the groundbreaking innovations that enable ReallyWellSM to deliver real-time, contextualized health recommendations and personalized next-best-action care pathways for each member.
A Pager Health Performance Review | Beating the MA Market
Pager Health has a proven track record helping MA plans improve their Star Ratings by providing both clinical support and wellbeing programs on a single integrated platform.
Why ReallyWell℠ is really different | Part 1
Introducing a wellbeing experience that actually closes gaps in care, improves engagement and boosts customer satisfaction.
A New Urgency for Addressing Maternal Health
Even with two decades of progress, the United States is still grappling with a maternal health crisis, marked by distressingly high mortality rates for both infants and mothers, particularly within marginalized communities.
What’s Next for Well-Being? | Part 4: Top 3 Capabilities
Innovative health plans see today’s challenges, even the most difficult ones, as opportunities to transform their industry and differentiate themselves from the competition.
What’s Next for Well-Being? | Part 3: Driving Engagement
In this blog, we explore how next-generation wellbeing programs are supercharging member engagement.
What's Next for Well-Being | Part 2: Integrating Well-Being into the Healthcare System
In today’s blog, we explore how to close the gap between these two “systems of care” to create a seamless and connected care experience.
What’s Next for Well-Being | Part 1: From Silos to Seamless
What will the next generation of health and well-being programs look like? How will they perform and function? What new technologies, services and systems will be developed and leveraged to improve the well-being experience and increase engagement?
Becoming a Star at Star Ratings | Part 2: How to Invest Wisely in Star Ratings Improvement
The traditional efforts to improve the MA member experience improvement are often uncoordinated and disconnected. The intent of all parties may be well-meaning, but the result is a confusing and frustrating experience for members.
Becoming a Star at Star Ratings | Part 1: The New Rules of the Game
Despite many advances in care navigation, getting the right care at the right time in the right place is still a difficult challenge for most Medicare patients.
Part 1: Addressing the Maternal Mortality Crisis and Inequity in U.S. Healthcare
Leveraging a Digital Maternal Health Program
How to Proactively Connect with Medicaid Members | Part 2: An Intro to App-Free Engagement
In today’s blog, let’s see how Pager’s new app-free engagement solution leverages the popularity of texting and its ability to make an immediate connection.
How to Proactively Connect with Medicaid Members | Part 1: The Case for Texting
For many Medicaid members, the inability to access and understand their benefits is a huge obstacle to finding the right care in a timely manner. And it’s no doubt a major reason why only 18 percent of Medicaid consumers feel “great” about their overall health and wellness
Embracing Generative AI: A 7-Point Strategic Plan
To help your organization rise to the forefront of GenAI implementation and unlock its vast potential, Pager recommends the following 7-point strategic plan.
Addressing low member utilization of high-value digital solutions
In this blog, we explore four strategies that can bridge the gap between the impressive capabilities of ‘always on’ Digital Triage & Navigation and the need for widespread member engagement and adoption.
Going Beyond Nurseline: How always-on digital triage navigates members to the right care at the right time
In today’s blog, we’re discussing the transformative potential of Digital Triage, a cutting-edge (high tech + high touch) solution that is revolutionizing Nurseline services and streamlining risk by providing personalized, connected care.
The State of the Union for Nurseline Services: Problems and Opportunities
In an ideal healthcare system, gaining immediate access to the right care in the right setting at the right time would be standard procedure. Unfortunately, because the current healthcare landscape is complex and fragmented, access to care is dysfunctional and costly.